Who Are We?
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- Written by: Victoria
- Category: Info
- Hits: 9004
The W8LT VE Team is a group of amateur radio operators (hams) affiliated with W8LT the amateur radio station and the Amateur Radio and RF Club at the Ohio State University. We started doing ham radio license exams in March of 2022.
Volunteer Examiners (VEs) are authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to administer the written examinations required to obtain an amateur radio license.
We are affiliated with the Laurel VEC, one of several Volunteer Examiner Coordinators authorized to give the exams. A feature of the Laurel VEC is that they NEVER charge a fee for administering an exam. Some other VECs do have an exam fee.
Members of the W8LT VE Team hold amateur radio licenses at the General or Extra Class level and have been accredited by the Laurel VEC.
For more information about the Laurel VEC, please see their main website here: https://www.laurelvec.com/
If you have any questions or issues with the the website, please reach out to the web admin: K8VSY.
Thank you and 73.
- Details
- Written by: Victoria
- Category: Info
- Hits: 8644
We use a Google Form to collect information for folks who would like to pre-register for an exam.
Please use the following link at any time to pre-register for any of our upcoming exams!
You will need an FRN from the FCC to complete this form. You can get your FRN by filling out information with the FCC. More information is available at: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores